About Us
HT Drainage & Earthworks Ltd - We move the earth, we don’t charge it!Earthmoving Contractors Auckland North & West
HT Drainage & Earthworks are West Auckland based earthmoving contractors providing professional excavation, drain laying, delivery and removal services to contractors, trades, developers, council, Water Care and the general public. If you look around the Hobsonville Point development, residential sub-divisions behind the Grange in Warkworth and high-end residential properties in Coatesville, you will see some of their latest excavations and land development work.
What makes a good digger operator?
Safety, alertness, coordination, good depth perception and the ability to think ahead.
You can’t landscape or sculpt a site if you can’t see it. A good operator doesn’t lose sight of the big picture, can visualise any changes before making them, can remember instructions and see the finished product before they start. That requires a natural aptitude for operating machinery, the ability to feel, as well as see and hear what is happening under and around heavy machinery, great hand-eye co-ordination, an ability to read plans, read land grade, understand soil types, and calculate volume, all without thinking about it.
What does that mean for you?
The Lie of the Land
That means you will always be up with the current state of affairs. You won’t get any surprises and your finished site will be as it was laid out in the plans.
Safety First
Safety for our digger operators and those around us is paramount. We have safety practices in place, so we know where everyone and everything is on a job site at all times.
Our safety systems, which include effective emergency procedures and clear site access, are not only good practice, they are a legal requirement for everyone’s safety. As part of our social awareness and responsibility, we follow the law to the letter.
Preventative maintenance
Heavy equipment maintenance is a vital for a company like HT Drainage & Earthworks. Every hour of down-time is a cost. We are always working to a tight schedule for our clients, so preventative maintenance is key area of our business success.

About Hamish McDonald
What Can Our Diggers and Drivers Do For You?
- 1.8-tonne diggers: ideal for limited access sites, digging connections and excavating around driveways, lawns and houses while causing minimal disturbance.
- 3.5-tonne digger:we use this machine for house and residential drainage jobs, access ways into garages, footpaths and general driveway shaping.
- 5.5-tonne digger: this is our machine for installing soak holes, trenching, back-filling, footings, residential drainage, driveways and smaller excavations.
- 14-tonne digger:this digger is great for trenching, footings, back-filling, digging pools, rock-breaking, ripping compacted soil, site clearance, demolition and excavation.
- 23-tonne digger: this powerful machine is what we pull out for subdivisions, bulk excavations, tree clearance, roads, driveways, damn digging and demolition.

Easy Transport and Truck Hire Solution
Choose from either hourly or daily hire options, whichever suits your residential or commercial project.
- 8-Wheeler Transport Truck: carries up to 15 tonnes.
- 6-Wheeler Trucks: 10-metre tipper truck for the supply and delivery of sand, metal, scoria, top soil, aggregates, rocks and removal of trees, stumps, concrete, asphalt and clay.
- Truck and trailer: for bulk supply of aggregate and spoil removal.
Get your groundwork laid right. For superb earthmoving contractors Auckland land owners, contractors and developers call 09 4122642: digger hire, drainage experts, cartage contractors and earthmoving throughout north and west Auckland.